08:30 Registration and Refreshments
Registration and Refreshments
09:00 Opening Remarks from the Chair
Opening Remarks from the Chair
Session 3: The Future of Transportation: Connected Vehicles in Smart Cities
Connectivity will play a major role in smart cities and smart transportation. All vehicles will be able to communicate with the environment directly. This calls for more technology advancements in V2V and V2I connectivity. This session will explore these latest technologies and how well the government and service providers are working towards achieving the same.
09:00 ESMA’s Outlook on Future Mobility Regulations
Eng. Khalaf Khalaf
Director of Standards
Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology (ESMA)
09:30 5G Network as Foundation for Autonomous Systems
Dr. Manzoor Ahmed Khan
Associate Professor
College of Information Technology - UAE University
10:00 Intelligent Mobility: Stepping Stones to CASE Connected, Autonomous, Shared, Electric
Dr. John McCarthy
Global Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV)
New transport choices and technologies are now becoming mainstream. It is important to consider how the introduction of new these technologies represents a unique chance for Governments and Cities to change how we use our road network. The integration of physical and digital infrastructure in order to provide new services to the travelling public is key.
10:30 Coffee and Networking Break
Coffee and Networking Break
11:00 Topic To Be Announced
Christian Theis
Head of Division Automotive Engineering
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
11:30 The Future of Mobility - Key Disruptive Trends and Implications
Dr. Julia Saini
Associate Partner – Mobility
Frost & Sullivan
• Connected Cars and Digital Vehicle Services
• Autonomous Mobility
• New Mobility Business Models
• Subscription Services
• Electrification
• Conclusions: The Future of Mobility to 2030
12:00 The Future of Automotive in a Smart Cities World
Dr. Anvita Arora
Program Director - Transport and Urban Infrastructures
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center
- Current challenges and opportunities facing the automotive industry
- What should be the approach of car manufacturers towards electric, connected and autonomous technology
- How can we accelerate smart cities
12:30 Interactive Panel Discussion: How are Cities Becoming Icons for Countries in the Era of Industrial 4.0
Interactive Panel Discussion: How are Cities Becoming Icons for Countries in the Era of Industrial 4.0
13:00 Prayer and Lunch Break
Prayer and Lunch Break
Session 2: Road to Autonomy: How Far Have We Reached?
UAE stands amongst the top 10 for AV readiness index 2019, which indicates the readiness of the country and also its people in terms of acceptance to usage of autonomous cars. This session would look at how prepared the country is for autonomous transportation and highlight on some ground work already in place by the respective government authorities
14:00 Connected and Automated Driving in Extreme Arctic Weather Conditions – Field Test Results in Finland
Ilkka Kotilainen
Project Manager
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
- Posts and poles for guidance and positioning – landmarks, reflective posts or poles to support automated driving?
- C-ITS hybrid communication – Safety Related Traffic Information: How could the C-ITS Day 1 hybrid communication services improve traffic flow and safety in arctic conditions?
- Communication infrastructure: How does the remote control and monitoring of vehicles work in 4G and in the first stage of the 5G network in good/poor weather and road conditions?
- Positioning of vehicle: In what way and how accurately could a vehicle be positioned to fulfil the needs of automated driving at northern latitudes where no edge markings or roads can be recognized?
14:30 Most Likely Applications of Autonomy and the Implications of Changes for Users
Raed Kadri
Head of AVIN
Ontario’s Autonomous Vehicles Innovation Network (AVIN)
- Autonomy a shared mobility
- Scope of autonomy in heavy vehicles industry
- What can lead to speeding up the transition in the AV industry?
15:00 5 Steps to Smarter Transport Mobility
Martin Tillman
Director - Transport Planning
- What is smart mobility
- Why is it important
- The 5 steps
- Global and local examples
- Audience participation
15:30 Closing Panel Discussion: How Would Our Roads Look in 2030?
Closing Panel Discussion: How Would Our Roads Look in 2030?
16:00 Closing Remarks from the Chair and End of the Conference
Closing Remarks from the Chair and End of the Conference