08:00 Registration and Refreshments
Registration and Refreshments
H.E. Abdulla Al Maeeni
Director General
Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology (ESMA)
09:10 Industry Keynote Address
Sergio Mujica
Secretary General
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
09:30 Industry Address: Leading Trends in Mobility and Related Security
Dr. Jonathan Reichental
Former CIO
City of Palo Alto
10:00 Inauguration of the Exhibition and Networking Break
Inauguration of the Exhibition and Networking Break
Session 1: Road to Success: Implementation of Alternate Energy Vehicles – EVs and Fuel Cells
This session would involve latest updates on user friendliness and road worthiness of electric and hybrid vehicles with the region, deriving best practices from other countries, latest technology developments from manufacturers and critical infrastructures and latest battery technologies.
10:30 Market Awareness and Consumer Acceptance: The Battle Won
Monica Godo
Product Owner EV
Norwegian Automobile Association
- Incentives and subsidies as the driver for the future
- Market penetration and awareness as key
- Achieving the future transportation goal on country level
11:00 Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure – Lessons from a UK Case Study
Akin Adamson
Director - Middle East
Ricardo Energy and Environment
• The things to think about when planning electric vehicle infrastructure
• How this was tackled as part of a UK example
• Key learnings and lessons for other geographies
11:30 UN Global Technical Regulation (UN GTR) No. 20 on Electric Vehicle Safety – Challenges for the Phase II of the UN GTR Vehicles Maintenance and Safety
Edoardo Gianotti
Vehicle Regulations and Transport Innovations Section
UNECE Sustainable Transport Division
• Performance mismatch between the lab and the real world
• More need for government regulations in safety and maintenance
12:00 Fast Charging is Reality
Dr. Klaus Rechberger
Head of HV Integration and Energy Management
Porsche AG
As a key technology the 800V System enables your BEV to:
- long distance mobility (easy and fast charging 100km / 4min)
- reduce the weight of the high voltage system
- high performance driving
12:30 Driving the Mobility of Tomorrow
Paloma Brunckhorst
Global Spokesperson for Electric and Electrified Vehicles
13:00 Prayer and Lunch Break
Prayer and Lunch Break
14:00 Interactive Panel Discussion: Infrastructure Requirements Enabling EV and Fuel Cells in the UAE
Interactive Panel Discussion: Infrastructure Requirements Enabling EV and Fuel Cells in the UAE
Session 2: ITS: Embracing Technology for Smarter Mobility Solutions
This session will look at latest developments in field of technology and its integration into the already existing systems.
14:30 The Rise of New Mobility Modes and its Possibilities
Christoph Stadler
Director MENA and APAC
Mercedes Benz (Moovel)
• Usage of data
• Analysis of mobility modes
• MaaS: Mobility-as-a-Service
15:00 Safety Considerations in Future Mobility
Thomas Edelman
Managing Director
Road Safety UAE
- Rationale for safety improvements based on the current situation
- “Near-future” mobility/road safety opportunities
- Safety considerations in alternate energy vehicles
15:30 Coffee and Networking Break
Coffee and Networking Break
15:45 Mobility’s Second Great Inflection Point
Ahmet Orhon
Associate Partner
- Mobility sector at a tipping point
- A path to EV profitability
- A glimpse of the urban mobility of tomorrow
16:15 Security Considerations in the Transport of the Future
Dr. Hoda Alkhzaimi
Director of Centre of Cyber Security
New York University Abu Dhabi
- Preventing recent hacks on car systems
- Cars as mini datacenters
- Enabling cars to fight cyber-attacks on their own
16:30 Interactive Panel Discussion: Newer Technology vs Relevant Technology - Choosing the Right Technology?
Interactive Panel Discussion: Newer Technology vs Relevant Technology - Choosing the Right Technology?
17:00 Closing Remarks from the Chair
Closing Remarks from the Chair
End of Day 1